At this year's National Statistics Day (HSN) falls on a Saturday, September 26, 2015and still in a Memorial feast of Adha 1427 Hijri. For it other than the greeting "HappyDay" Statistics for all employees, also say "Selamat Hari Raya Eid al-Adha 1427 Hijrah" for those who celebrate it.
This year, the theme of HSN "with the spirit of national statistical Days, we make it Intelligent Data Quality with Indonesia." This theme is translated into a series of events that have been held nationwide during the month of September, from Workshop KBLI 2015, Socialization, new methods of HDI interactive dialogue with the executive bodies of the students, a National Seminar on HSN, until the First Indonesia Statistics Conference and Olympiad (ISCO) that is the result of cooperation with the contents (Bonds of Indonesian Statistics) and FORSTAT (higher education Forum Statistics Indonesia).
BPS also provides Statistics, Awards, such as:
-BPS Award for exemplary respondents (who fell to PT Astra Daihatsu Motor and Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta) and users of statistical data example (the Ministry of marine and Fisheries);
-Andi Hakim Nasution Award for the son of the nation's has contributions and devotion towards statistics (given to Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono);
-Ministry of education and culture Award for champion ISCO (Statistics Indonesia Conference and Olympiad) by 2015 on a student category (won by schoolgirl SMUN 1 Wonogiri);
-Lastly, the CONTENTS of the Award for the winner of the ISCO categories of students (student IPB won).
Meanwhile, in Jember district level activities begin with Healthy Road on 18 September 2015, HSN Seminar on 23 September 2015 in Jember, Istana Hotel ceremony Commemorative Summit HSN 2015 in Jember Regency BPS Office page on 28 September 2015 followed by all employees and Dharma Wanita.
Also held a variety of entertainment competition for all employees and Dharma Wanita on September 28, 2015 after the ceremony , as well as training and Coaching employees for one day in the form of Outbound Motivation Training on 29 September 2015 in Kalibaru, Banyuwangi Cottage Hotel.