70th ANNIVERSARY Commemorative ceremony of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jember Regency

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70th ANNIVERSARY Commemorative ceremony of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

 70th ANNIVERSARY Commemorative ceremony of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

August 17, 2015 | Other Activities

On 17 August 2015 BPS Jember Regency carry out ceremonies commemorating the anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia that to 70. The ceremony was attended and followed by all employees and Dharma Wanita Persatuan. Bright morning air accompany the ceremony that began at 07.30 GMT.

 Acting as Inspector of the ceremony is Mr. Soekamto, The Kasubag who share the task with the head of the BPS Kabupaten Jember who got the task of following the same ceremony in Jember Regency Government environment. Furthermore, the Adjutant Inspector of ceremonies Ahmad Sunarto, Commander of the ceremonial Lukman Hakim. Act as the little red-white flag was Eko Sunantiyo Adi, Nanang Pamungkas, and Kartika Karunia Putri.

While, as readers of the text of the proclamation was Hery Yahman Preamble text readers, 1945 Oanesa Judy Timoralif, and as dirijen for the song Indonesia Raya was Diyan Kasihati. Acting as emcee Dian Dwi Susanti and prayer is Bagus Ari Susanto.

The speech also accompanied "Happy 70th ANNIVERSARY of independence of the Republic of Indonesia" this warning brings the national theme "Let's Work to build the nation." The theme again whipped up the whole employees BPS Kabupaten Jember for more enterprising and persevering work.


It feels very themes corresponding to that occur in the BPS this time. Remember, the current BPS Middle important task of updating the Data Base Integrated 2015 (PBDT2015) is still in settlement at the stage of data processing. The data and results of these activities very awaited by at least the majority of the citizens of this nation.


Indeed, PBDT2015 is not the only task of the BPS. Lots of perstatistikan-related activities which should be carried out. Entirely demands dedication, professionalism, integrity, passion, and a mandate to apply and should be understood by all BPS’s personel.

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