Development of Jember Regency Hotel Room Occupancy Rates in August 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jember Regency

In September 2024, Jember's year on year (y-on-y) inflation will be 1.55 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 106.19 percent. "If you know of a violation or abuse in the BPS district of Jember, please report it to email:; tel/sms/WA 081211333509 or 082141975558"

Development of Jember Regency Hotel Room Occupancy Rates in August 2024

Release Date : October 1, 2024
File Size : 1.66 MB


ROR for star-equivalent hotels in Jember in August 2024 reached 49.99 percent or in other words for every 100 rooms provided by all star-equivalent hotels in Jember every night as many as 49 Some of the rooms have been sold.

Average Length of Stay of Guests (RLMT) of star-equivalent hotels in Jember August 2024 reached 1.07 days, an down compared to last month July 2024.

In July 2024 the composition of hotel visitors will be equal to stars consisting of 98.78 percent domestic guests and 1.22 percent foreign guests
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